"Si tú no trabajas por tus sueños, alguien te contratará para que trabajes por los suyos”

Steve Jobs


Blog de Alex desarrollador web

Un blog muy bueno, sobretodo para los amantes de PHP, lo malo para mi es que esta ingles :-)

PHP tutorials and tips
  1. Readonly properties can make your code more reliable and readable. Let's see which properties you should make as readonly and why.

    The post PHP Readonly Properties: How to Use Them appeared first on Alex Web Develop.

  2. A PHP method to generate a random and secure password with letters, digits and special characters. Complete working PHP code.

    The post How to Generate a Secure Password with PHP appeared first on Alex Web Develop.

  3. Learn how to connect to multiple MySQL servers in the same PHP script, using both the MySQLi and PDO extensions.

    The post How to Connect to Multiple MySQL Servers with PHP appeared first on Alex Web Develop.

  4. Arrays are handy, but there are a few things you need to pay attention to. Here are 9 common mistakes that developers do with PHP arrays.

    The post 9 PHP Array Mistakes That Developers Make appeared first on Alex Web Develop.

  5. A clear and quick explanation of how associative arrays work in PHP, including code examples (and some mistakes to void).

    The post What are associative arrays in PHP? appeared first on Alex Web Develop.